09 Aug Eli, The Little Drifter
The Little Drifter
Elijah Foster is a witty, wise-cracking street kid who uses street smarts and gadgets to outwit and take down Chico and his gang. Eli was fed up with their bad behavior. Not only was Chico bulling his best friend, but they were planning to rob Mr. Joe’s pawn shop. Not on Eli’s watch! Eli calls himself the “Little Drifter” because he idolizes Max Cordell aka "The Drifter."
Kindle Product details
- File Size: 15056 KB
- Print Length: 38 pages
- Publication Date: August 7, 2019
- Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC
- Language: English
- ASIN: B07W81N6ZR
- Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
- X-Ray: Not Enabled
- Word Wise: Not Enabled
- Lending: Enabled
- Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Rodney A. Nobles is a retired martial arts champion. A 9th degree black belt under the Universal Song Do Kwan Alliance and The Vita Saana African Martial Arts systems, he founded the Young Tiger Martial Arts School in Philadelphia. He has been inducted in many Martial Arts Hall of Fames and received "The Living Legend" award in 2002. Known for his high kicks and lightning speed, he has earned the respect of martial artists around the globe. Not only is he a martial artist and writer, Mr. Nobles starred in TV shows such as "America's Most Wanted" with John Walsh, "New York Undercover" and many commercials. He appeared in movies starring Denzel Washington and Nicolas Cage. He headlined as a comedian and singer and performed all over the US.